Yamada Minami Elementary School, Iwate Prefecture
After the earthquake and tsunami in March, FTLOCS reached out to longtime friend and supporter…
ForTheLoveOfChildrenSocietyNovember 7, 2011
CUSCO, Peru – Ashid Bahl School Update
In early August, Ashid Bahl, accompanied by Martha and Oje Hart, visited the Ashid Bahl…
ForTheLoveOfChildrenSocietyOctober 14, 2011
Sanare Masai Mara School Project
The school is situated in the Rift Valley in Moreso, Kenya and having close proximity…
ForTheLoveOfChildrenSocietyJune 14, 2011
Supporting Disadvantaged Children: Our Ongoing Commitment
The Society is dedicated to providing help, hope, and support to disadvantaged children across the…
ForTheLoveOfChildrenSocietyMarch 14, 2011